Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Three Darlings

Katwie, Linder & Chrissy Anne

Monday, March 5, 2007

Happy Birthday to You Mr. Buzzo

a long time ago......
in San Francisco on 23rd Avenue in December 1977.

Phillie Buzzo posing as Bruce Springstein, his idol

Whole-Grain Cereals Reduce Heart Risks: Study, Mar. 5, 2007

Eating whole-grain breakfast cereals seven or more times per week was associated with a lower (28 percent) risk of heart failure, according to an analysis of the observational Physicians' Health Study.

Researchers presented findings of the study at the American Heart Association's 47th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention. The study is supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Whole grains are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and have a high fiber content.

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

National Geographic New, February 28, 2007

Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural -- and not a human-induced cause -- according to one scientist's controversial theory.

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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Warm Winters Upset Rhythms of Maple Sugar

Warmer-than-usual winters are stoking fears for the survival of New England’s maple forests.

Jerry Swope for The New York Times
Burr Morse tapping a maple tree at his family farm last month. Fluctuations in temperatures in recent years are making it difficult for New England maple producers to know when is the best time to tap trees.

Audio Slide Show: A Vermont Slump
Pam Belluck reports on the effect of climate change on maple syrup production. Related Article